Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2500-4379 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 62881

V RVZh publikuyutsya aktual'nye problemnye i original'nye stat'i, lekcii, obzory, kratkie soobscheniya, pis'ma v redakciyu.

Vse materialy recenziruyutsya redakcionnoy kollegiey ili privlekaemymi dlya etih celey specialistami. Recenzirovanie anonimnoe. Poluchennye recenzii redakciya napravlyaet avtoram stat'i, kotorye vnosyat te izmeneniya po zamechaniyam recenzenta, s kotorymi oni soglasny; v sluchae nesoglasiya s mneniem recenzenta avtory dayut obosnovannyy pis'mennyy otkaz na vnesenie izmeneniy.

V sluchae polozhitel'nogo zaklyucheniya materialy peredayutsya dlya predpechatnoy podgotovki. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo sokraschat' i redaktirovat' stat'i i beret na sebya obyazannost' soglasovyvat' okonchatel'nyy variant publikacii s avtorom.

Ob'em original'nyh statey dolzhen byt' dostatochnym dlya polnogo izlozheniya hoda i rezul'tatov issledovaniya i ne mozhet byt' menee 6 mashinopisnyh stranic, napechatannyh 14-m shriftom cherez 2 intervala (esli imeetsya illyustrativnyy material, to ob'em teksta dolzhen byt' men'she), ob'em obzorov i lekciy ne dolzhen prevyshat' 15 stranic, kratkih soobscheniy ― 4 stranic.

Trebovaniya k strukture original'noy stat'i ― vvedenie, cel' issledovaniya, materialy i metody, rezul'taty, obsuzhdenie; tablicy, illyustracii, podpisi k risunkam (zagolovki tablic, risunkov i ih eksplikaciya dolzhny byt' na russkom i angliyskom yazykah). Chislo tablic ne dolzhno prevyshat' 4, chislo illyustraciy ne ogranicheno. Bibliografiya original'nyh statey i kratkih soobscheniy dolzhna soderzhat' do 10 istochnikov literatury (ne sleduet vklyuchat' ssylki na uchebnye posobiya!), obzorov ― ne menee 30.

Obyazatel'nye elementy rukopisi ― zagolovok, FIO avtorov s ukazaniem ih mesta raboty ili uchrezhdeniya, v kotorom rabota byla vypolnena (na russkom i angliyskom yazykah), klyuchevye slova (ot 3 do 10 na russkom i angliyskom yazykah), bibliografiya (na russkom yazyke i transliteraciya latinskimi bukvami), referat k stat'e (rekomenduemyy ob'em referata — 1000…2000 znakov, to est' 200…250 slov na russkom i angliyskom yazykah), otrazhayuschiy sut' publikuemyh materialov. Nedopustimo ispol'zovanie mashinnogo perevoda! Referat original'noy stat'i dolzhen byt' strukturirovan: v nem dolzhny byt' ukazany celi raboty, materialy i metody, ob'em vyborki, za skol'ko let dannye i t. p. Izlozhenie rezul'tatov dolzhno predstavlyat' soboy konkretnye svedeniya (vyvody, rekomendacii i t. p.). Zhelatel'no privodit' bol'she cifr, podtverzhdayuschih dostovernost' vyvodov. Pri ukazanii procentov raznicy s kontrolem nuzhno privodit' takzhe ili absolyutnye znacheniya raznicy, ili znachenie v kontrole, chtoby bylo, s chem sravnivat'.

Avtoram neobhodimo takzhe prilozhit' kontaktnuyu informaciyu (nomera telefonov, pochtovyy adres i e-mail), a takzhe zaverennoe podpisyami pis'mennoe podtverzhdenie togo, chto peredannye v RVZh materialy (vklyuchaya illyustracii) ranee nigde ne publikovalis'. Otdel'no nuzhno ukazat', soglasny li avtory na perepechatku svoey stat'i informacionnymi partnerami RVZh bez vyplaty gonorara.


Obschie trebovaniya k illyustrativnomu materialu

1. Illyustrativnyy material dolzhen byt' svyazan s temoy stat'i. Ne sleduet ispol'zovat' illyustracii, vzyatye iz Interneta.

2. Vse imeyuschiesya v tekste tablicy dolzhny byt' nabrany v tekstovom redaktore dlya vozmozhnoy posleduyuschey pravki. Ne dopuskaetsya vstavka tablic v vide risunkov.

3. Izobrazheniya (fotografii i otskanirovannye risunki), pomimo vstavlennyh v Word, nuzhno prisylat' otdel'nymi, neobrabotannymi faylami.

4. Dopuskaetsya oformlenie risunkov (shemy, grafiki, diagrammy, i t. p.) v vide ob'ektov Microsoft Office.

5. Fotografii sleduet predostavlyat' v ishodnom vide (skachannye s fotoapparata ili telefona, bez obrabotki v Photoshop ili v drugih redaktorah).

6. Fotografii dolzhny byt' bez nadpisey, strelok i pr. (vse nadpisi i pr. nanosyatsya na fotografii v processe verstki v sootvetstvii s izobrazheniyami, vstavlennymi v Word).

7. Knizhnye i gazetnye illyustracii, napechatannye fotografii dolzhny byt' otskanirovany s razresheniem ne menee 300 dpi i ne menee 600 dpi dlya shtrihovyh izobrazheniy (grafiki i risunki, vypolnennye karandashami, ruchkami, melkami i t. d.).

8. Izobrazheniya dolzhny byt' chetkimi, kontrastnymi.

9. Nel'zya vruchnuyu uvelichivat' razmer i «uluchshat'» kachestvo izobrazheniya. Na pechati nizkoe kachestvo ishodnyh izobrazheniy proyavitsya, nesmotrya na vse podobnye uhischreniya.


Stat'i, oformlenie kotoryh ne sootvetstvuet dannym Pravilam, k rassmotreniyu ne prinimayutsya

1. Responsibility of the editor-in-chief

1.1. The editor-in-chief is responsible for everything published in the journal.

1.2. The editor-in-chief should not allow for the publication of materials that do not correspond to the subject and policy of the journal.

1.3. The editor-in-chief should not allow information to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism.

2. The independence and objectivity of the editorial board

2.1. The decision on publication is made only after reviewing the article.

2.2. The decision on publication is made after receiving a positive opinion of the members of the editorial board or the experts involved in the reviewing.

2.2. For the review and publication of articles the authors are not charged.

 3. Reviewing

3.1. The publication reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office, corresponding to its subject, for the purpose of their expert evaluation.

3.2. In the editorial office it is necessary to grant the original of the review with a signature and a blue stamp and a copy of the review in electronic form. The original of reviews are stored in the archive of the editorial office.

3.3. The review preparation period is one month.

3.4. The review should contain a qualified analysis of the article and its objective assessment. The reviewer gives a recommendation (positive or negative) on the possibility of publication of the article.

3.5. The expert reviewing the article cannot be its author (co-author).

3.6. Reviews are certified in the order established in the institution where the reviewer works.

4. Observance of copyrights

Unpublished data obtained from the submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained in the course of editing and related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

5. Relationships with readers

Readers should be informed, on whose funds the study was conducted, in the case that the study was funded by organization or individual.

6. Conflict situations

6.1. The editor together with the publisher should not leave unanswered claims concerning the considered manuscripts or published materials, as well as to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights in case of a conflict situation.

6.2. The editorial board is ready to publish corrections, refutations, clarifications and complaints if this is necessary.

7. The position of the publishing house

7.1. The publishing house does not interfere in the work of the editorial board, does not participate in the selection of manuscripts and does not insist on the publication of any materials.

7.2. The publishing house provides development of the journal: its paper and electronic versions, inclusion in databases and subscription catalogues.

7.3. The publishing house retains no fee for the publication of articles to support paragraph 2 of this document.

Vasilevich Fedor  — Editor in chief of issue on farm animals
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named K.I. Skryabin (Department of Parasitology and veterinary and sanitary examination, Head of the Department)
doctor of veterinary sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
d.Sunai, Belarus
Yagnikov Sergey  — Editor in chief of issue on small domestic and wild animals
Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Head of the Centers)
doctor of veterinary sciences ,
candidate of sciences in biology
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Rakitskaya Vera  — Publishing editor

Akbaev Ramazan Magametovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Balakirev Nikolay Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation
Bazhibina Elena  — Member of the editorial board
Veterinary clinics Svoi Doctor» (Veterinarian hematologist and infectious diseases specialist)
candidate of veterinary sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bardyukova Tat'yana Vladimirovna  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation
Buryakov Nikolai  — Member of the editorial board
Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
doctor of sciences in biology
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Vasil'ev Dmitriy Borisovich  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation
Verhovskiy Oleg Anatol'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Russian Federation
Vlasov Nikolay Anatol'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Grischenko Leonid Ivanovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Danilevskaya Nataliya Vladimirovna  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Dyul'ger Georgiy  — Member of the editorial board
Russian State Agrarian University-K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Head of the department)
doctor of veterinary sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ermakov Aleksey Mihaylovich  — Member of the editorial board
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Zaycev Sergey Yur'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Zueva Natal'ya Mihaylovna  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Illarionova Vladislava Konstantinovna  — Member of the editorial board
Veterinary Clinic «Biocontrol» (Cardiology department, Head of the department)
candidate of sciences in biology
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kozlovskaya Nadezhda Grigor'evna  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kornyushenkov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kuznecova Anna Leonidovna  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Maksimov Vladimir Il'ich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Mitrohina Natal'ya  — Member of the editorial board
Centre for veterinary pathomorphology and laboratory diagnostics of Dr. Mitrokhina (Head of Centre)
candidate of veterinary sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pronin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
The Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (Deputy director for science)
doctor of sciences in biology
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pronin Valeriy Vasil'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Vladimir, Russian Federation
Pronin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
The Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (Deputy director for science)
doctor of sciences in biology
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Samoshkin Igor' Borisovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sanin Aleksandr Vladimirovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sansyzbay Abylay Rysbaevich  — Member of the editorial board
Serezhina Lyudmila Abramovna  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Sidorchuk Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin (Department of epizootology & veterinary management., Professor)
doctor of veterinary sciences
professor Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Snoz Grigoriy Vasil'evich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Slesarenko Natal'ya  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology K. I. Scriabin (department of Animal Anatomy and Histology named after Professor A. F. Klimov, Head of the department)
doctor of sciences in biology
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Sotnikova Larisa Fedorovna  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Fedorov Yuriy Nikolaevich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Frolov Valeriy  — Member of the editorial board
Saratov socio-economic Institute (branch) «Russian economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov» (Department of private law, and environmental ecological security, Professor)
doctor of sciences in biology
Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Chernov Aleksandr Vladimirovich  — Member of the editorial board
Kurgan, Russian Federation
Shilkin Aleksey Germanovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Yurov Konstantin Pavlovich  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Yagnikova Yana  — Member of the editorial board
Chekhov Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Chief veterinarian)
candidate of veterinary sciences
Chehov, Moscow, Russian Federation
Yakunina Marina  — Member of the editorial board
Veterinary clinic «Biocontrol» (Department of General Oncology and Chemotherapy, Head of the Department)
doctor of veterinary sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Publishing house "Logos Press"
Publishing House "LogosPress"
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ №ФС77-67320

The main purpose of the journal is the postgraduate education of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, training of practicing veterinarians (to help doctors competently and successfully solve problems arising in their practice, to improve their professional level, to acquaint with the news of home and foreign science and practice), publishing platform for young scientists. Audience RVJ — practitioners, Institute staff and University students.

The Editorial Board of the journal invites to cooperation all interested persons-researchers, postgraduates, high school workers, practitioners ― to publish the results of their research, clinical cases, discuss the most pressing issues related to the epidemiological well-being and food security of the country.


V RVZh publikuyutsya aktual'nye problemnye i original'nye stat'i, lekcii, obzory, kratkie soobscheniya, pis'ma v redakciyu.

Vse materialy recenziruyutsya redakcionnoy kollegiey ili privlekaemymi dlya etih celey specialistami. Recenzirovanie anonimnoe. Poluchennye recenzii redakciya napravlyaet avtoram stat'i, kotorye vnosyat te izmeneniya po zamechaniyam recenzenta, s kotorymi oni soglasny; v sluchae nesoglasiya s mneniem recenzenta avtory dayut obosnovannyy pis'mennyy otkaz na vnesenie izmeneniy.

V sluchae polozhitel'nogo zaklyucheniya materialy peredayutsya dlya predpechatnoy podgotovki. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo sokraschat' i redaktirovat' stat'i i beret na sebya obyazannost' soglasovyvat' okonchatel'nyy variant publikacii s avtorom.

Ob'em original'nyh statey dolzhen byt' dostatochnym dlya polnogo izlozheniya hoda i rezul'tatov issledovaniya i ne mozhet byt' menee 6 mashinopisnyh stranic, napechatannyh 14-m shriftom cherez 2 intervala (esli imeetsya illyustrativnyy material, to ob'em teksta dolzhen byt' men'she), ob'em obzorov i lekciy ne dolzhen prevyshat' 15 stranic, kratkih soobscheniy ― 4 stranic.

Trebovaniya k strukture original'noy stat'i ― vvedenie, cel' issledovaniya, materialy i metody, rezul'taty, obsuzhdenie; tablicy, illyustracii, podpisi k risunkam (zagolovki tablic, risunkov i ih eksplikaciya dolzhny byt' na russkom i angliyskom yazykah). Chislo tablic ne dolzhno prevyshat' 4, chislo illyustraciy ne ogranicheno. Bibliografiya original'nyh statey i kratkih soobscheniy dolzhna soderzhat' do 10 istochnikov literatury (ne sleduet vklyuchat' ssylki na uchebnye posobiya!), obzorov ― ne menee 30.

Obyazatel'nye elementy rukopisi ― zagolovok, FIO avtorov s ukazaniem ih mesta raboty ili uchrezhdeniya, v kotorom rabota byla vypolnena (na russkom i angliyskom yazykah), klyuchevye slova (ot 3 do 10 na russkom i angliyskom yazykah), bibliografiya (na russkom yazyke i transliteraciya latinskimi bukvami), referat k stat'e (rekomenduemyy ob'em referata — 1000…2000 znakov, to est' 200…250 slov na russkom i angliyskom yazykah), otrazhayuschiy sut' publikuemyh materialov. Nedopustimo ispol'zovanie mashinnogo perevoda! Referat original'noy stat'i dolzhen byt' strukturirovan: v nem dolzhny byt' ukazany celi raboty, materialy i metody, ob'em vyborki, za skol'ko let dannye i t. p. Izlozhenie rezul'tatov dolzhno predstavlyat' soboy konkretnye svedeniya (vyvody, rekomendacii i t. p.). Zhelatel'no privodit' bol'she cifr, podtverzhdayuschih dostovernost' vyvodov. Pri ukazanii procentov raznicy s kontrolem nuzhno privodit' takzhe ili absolyutnye znacheniya raznicy, ili znachenie v kontrole, chtoby bylo, s chem sravnivat'.

Avtoram neobhodimo takzhe prilozhit' kontaktnuyu informaciyu (nomera telefonov, pochtovyy adres i e-mail), a takzhe zaverennoe podpisyami pis'mennoe podtverzhdenie togo, chto peredannye v RVZh materialy (vklyuchaya illyustracii) ranee nigde ne publikovalis'. Otdel'no nuzhno ukazat', soglasny li avtory na perepechatku svoey stat'i informacionnymi partnerami RVZh bez vyplaty gonorara.


Obschie trebovaniya k illyustrativnomu materialu

1. Illyustrativnyy material dolzhen byt' svyazan s temoy stat'i. Ne sleduet ispol'zovat' illyustracii, vzyatye iz Interneta.

2. Vse imeyuschiesya v tekste tablicy dolzhny byt' nabrany v tekstovom redaktore dlya vozmozhnoy posleduyuschey pravki. Ne dopuskaetsya vstavka tablic v vide risunkov.

3. Izobrazheniya (fotografii i otskanirovannye risunki), pomimo vstavlennyh v Word, nuzhno prisylat' otdel'nymi, neobrabotannymi faylami.

4. Dopuskaetsya oformlenie risunkov (shemy, grafiki, diagrammy, i t. p.) v vide ob'ektov Microsoft Office.

5. Fotografii sleduet predostavlyat' v ishodnom vide (skachannye s fotoapparata ili telefona, bez obrabotki v Photoshop ili v drugih redaktorah).

6. Fotografii dolzhny byt' bez nadpisey, strelok i pr. (vse nadpisi i pr. nanosyatsya na fotografii v processe verstki v sootvetstvii s izobrazheniyami, vstavlennymi v Word).

7. Knizhnye i gazetnye illyustracii, napechatannye fotografii dolzhny byt' otskanirovany s razresheniem ne menee 300 dpi i ne menee 600 dpi dlya shtrihovyh izobrazheniy (grafiki i risunki, vypolnennye karandashami, ruchkami, melkami i t. d.).

8. Izobrazheniya dolzhny byt' chetkimi, kontrastnymi.

9. Nel'zya vruchnuyu uvelichivat' razmer i «uluchshat'» kachestvo izobrazheniya. Na pechati nizkoe kachestvo ishodnyh izobrazheniy proyavitsya, nesmotrya na vse podobnye uhischreniya.


Stat'i, oformlenie kotoryh ne sootvetstvuet dannym Pravilam, k rassmotreniyu ne prinimayutsya

1. Responsibility of the editor-in-chief

1.1. The editor-in-chief is responsible for everything published in the journal.

1.2. The editor-in-chief should not allow for the publication of materials that do not correspond to the subject and policy of the journal.

1.3. The editor-in-chief should not allow information to be published if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism.

2. The independence and objectivity of the editorial board

2.1. The decision on publication is made only after reviewing the article.

2.2. The decision on publication is made after receiving a positive opinion of the members of the editorial board or the experts involved in the reviewing.

2.2. For the review and publication of articles the authors are not charged.

 3. Reviewing

3.1. The publication reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office, corresponding to its subject, for the purpose of their expert evaluation.

3.2. In the editorial office it is necessary to grant the original of the review with a signature and a blue stamp and a copy of the review in electronic form. The original of reviews are stored in the archive of the editorial office.

3.3. The review preparation period is one month.

3.4. The review should contain a qualified analysis of the article and its objective assessment. The reviewer gives a recommendation (positive or negative) on the possibility of publication of the article.

3.5. The expert reviewing the article cannot be its author (co-author).

3.6. Reviews are certified in the order established in the institution where the reviewer works.

4. Observance of copyrights

Unpublished data obtained from the submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained in the course of editing and related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

5. Relationships with readers

Readers should be informed, on whose funds the study was conducted, in the case that the study was funded by organization or individual.

6. Conflict situations

6.1. The editor together with the publisher should not leave unanswered claims concerning the considered manuscripts or published materials, as well as to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights in case of a conflict situation.

6.2. The editorial board is ready to publish corrections, refutations, clarifications and complaints if this is necessary.

7. The position of the publishing house

7.1. The publishing house does not interfere in the work of the editorial board, does not participate in the selection of manuscripts and does not insist on the publication of any materials.

7.2. The publishing house provides development of the journal: its paper and electronic versions, inclusion in databases and subscription catalogues.

7.3. The publishing house retains no fee for the publication of articles to support paragraph 2 of this document.

                        Shlyahova Oksana Germanovna
Shlyahova Oksana Germanovna Krasnodar city (Laboratory for assessing the quality of animal feed and feed additives, Head of the laboratory)
candidate of sciences in biology


                        Shoshtarich-Cukermann Ivan-Konrado
Shoshtarich-Cukermann Ivan-Konrado University of Zagreb (Department of Veterinary Pathology)

                        Schepetkina Svetlana
Schepetkina Svetlana Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine (Scientific Advisory Center for the Development and Transfer of System Technologies in Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, Head of the Center)
candidate of veterinary sciences

                        Schepot'eva Ol'ga Dmitrievna
Schepot'eva Ol'ga Dmitrievna Moscow State University of Food Production (Department of «Veterinary medicine»)

                        Scherbakov Aleksey
Scherbakov Aleksey Federal Center for Animal Health (Laboratory for especially dangerous diseases, Head of the laboratory)
candidate of sciences in biology

                        Eysfel'd Viktor Aleksandrovich
Eysfel'd Viktor Aleksandrovich Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Veterinarian)

                        Espinosa C.
Espinosa C. Complutense University of Madrid (Faculty of Veterinary medicine)

                        Yugatova Natal'ya
Yugatova Natal'ya St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine (Department of veterinary radiobiology and LSES, Associate professor)
candidate of veterinary sciences

                        Yurov Konstantin
Yurov Konstantin Federal Research Center ― All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Skrjabin and Y.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory of Virology, Head of Laboratory)
doctor of veterinary sciences
Academic rank Honored Scientist RF

                        Yagnikov Sergey
Yagnikov Sergey Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Head of the Centers)
doctor of veterinary sciences ,
candidate of sciences in biology


                        Yagnikova Yana
Yagnikova Yana Chekhov Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Chief veterinarian)
candidate of veterinary sciences

                        Yaderec Vera
Yaderec Vera Federal Research Center «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» RAS (Laboratory of Active Influence Biotechnology, Researcher)
candidate of sciences in biology

                        Yakunina Marina
Yakunina Marina Veterinary clinic «Biocontrol» (Department of General Oncology and Chemotherapy, Head of the Department)
doctor of veterinary sciences

Vasilevich Fedor  — Editor in chief of issue on farm animals
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named K.I. Skryabin (Department of Parasitology and veterinary and sanitary examination, Head of the Department)
doctor of veterinary sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
d.Sunai, Belarus
Yagnikov Sergey  — Editor in chief of issue on small domestic and wild animals
Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Head of the Centers)
doctor of veterinary sciences ,
candidate of sciences in biology

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Rakitskaya Vera  — Publishing editor

Akbaev Ramazan Magametovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Balakirev Nikolay Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board

Russian Federation
Bazhibina Elena  — Member of the editorial board
Veterinary clinics Svoi Doctor» (Veterinarian hematologist and infectious diseases specialist)
candidate of veterinary sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bardyukova Tat'yana Vladimirovna  — Member of the editorial board

Russian Federation
Buryakov Nikolai  — Member of the editorial board
Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
doctor of sciences in biology

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Vasil'ev Dmitriy Borisovich  — Member of the editorial board

Russian Federation
Verhovskiy Oleg Anatol'evich  — Member of the editorial board

Russian Federation
Vlasov Nikolay Anatol'evich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Grischenko Leonid Ivanovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Danilevskaya Nataliya Vladimirovna  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Dyul'ger Georgiy  — Member of the editorial board
Russian State Agrarian University-K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Department of Veterinary Medicine, Head of the department)
doctor of veterinary sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ermakov Aleksey Mihaylovich  — Member of the editorial board

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Zaycev Sergey Yur'evich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Zueva Natal'ya Mihaylovna  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Illarionova Vladislava Konstantinovna  — Member of the editorial board
Veterinary Clinic «Biocontrol» (Cardiology department, Head of the department)
candidate of sciences in biology

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kozlovskaya Nadezhda Grigor'evna  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kornyushenkov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kuznecova Anna Leonidovna  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Maksimov Vladimir Il'ich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Mitrohina Natal'ya  — Member of the editorial board
Centre for veterinary pathomorphology and laboratory diagnostics of Dr. Mitrokhina (Head of Centre)
candidate of veterinary sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pronin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
The Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (Deputy director for science)
doctor of sciences in biology

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Pronin Valeriy Vasil'evich  — Member of the editorial board

Vladimir, Russian Federation
Pronin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
The Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (Deputy director for science)
doctor of sciences in biology

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Samoshkin Igor' Borisovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Sanin Aleksandr Vladimirovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Sansyzbay Abylay Rysbaevich  — Member of the editorial board

Serezhina Lyudmila Abramovna  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Sidorchuk Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin (Department of epizootology & veterinary management., Professor)
doctor of veterinary sciences

professor Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Snoz Grigoriy Vasil'evich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Slesarenko Natal'ya  — Member of the editorial board
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology K. I. Scriabin (department of Animal Anatomy and Histology named after Professor A. F. Klimov, Head of the department)
doctor of sciences in biology

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Sotnikova Larisa Fedorovna  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Fedorov Yuriy Nikolaevich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Frolov Valeriy  — Member of the editorial board
Saratov socio-economic Institute (branch) «Russian economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov» (Department of private law, and environmental ecological security, Professor)
doctor of sciences in biology

Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Chernov Aleksandr Vladimirovich  — Member of the editorial board

Kurgan, Russian Federation
Shilkin Aleksey Germanovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Yurov Konstantin Pavlovich  — Member of the editorial board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Yagnikova Yana  — Member of the editorial board
Chekhov Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance» (Chief veterinarian)
candidate of veterinary sciences

Chehov, Moscow, Russian Federation
Yakunina Marina  — Member of the editorial board
Veterinary clinic «Biocontrol» (Department of General Oncology and Chemotherapy, Head of the Department)
doctor of veterinary sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation


Code 68.41
Name Ветеринария

Vasilevich Feodor Ivanovich, Grand PhD in (Veterinary) sciences, academician of the RAS, rector MSAVMaB named after K.I. Skryabin ― MVA named after K.I. Skryabin, Moscow, http://www.mgavm.ru/sveden/struct/rector/ (Editor in chief of issue on farm animals).

Yagnikov Sergey Alexandrovich, Grand PhD in (Veterinary) sciences, professor of the Department of Agricultural engineering Institute of RUDN University, head of the Center of veterinary surgery VetProfAlliance, Moscow, http://vetproff.ru/vrachi/specialists-of-the-clinic/yagnikov-sergey-aleksandrovich.php (Editor in chief of issue on small domestic and wild animals).




«Russian veterinary journal» (abbreviated RVJ) — a peer-reviewed (full color, A4) scientific and practical publication for specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and biotechnology, covers all areas of veterinary specialists ― from prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases to rational feeding, maintenance and reproduction of productive, small domestic, exotic, circus animals, as well as ornamental birds and fish.

«RVJ» was created in 2005 on the basis of the publishing house «Koloss-S» in two editions of «Russian veterinary journal. Productive animals» (abbreviated as RVJ.PA), ISSN 5-18150195-9 and «Russian veterinary journal. Small domestic and wild animals» (abbreviated RVJ.SDA), ISSN 5-18151450-8.

Since 2011 the journal has a new publisher ― publishing house LogosPress.

Until 2015 included in the List of HAC, in 2016, «RVJ.PA» included in the international database AGRIS.

In 2016 reregistered: now it's one log «RVJ» (the international standard serial number ISSN publication 2500-4379, certificate of media registration: PI №FS77-67320 September 30, 2016), which comes out still in two separate editions: RVJ.PA and RVJ.SDA.

«Russian veterinary journal» is included in the international database AGRIS, indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (all issues since the creation of the journal ― since 2005).


Editorial address 127018, Moscow, 2nd Yamskaya str., 2.

Phone: (495) 689 - 85 16


E-mail: info@logospress.ru

Website of the publishing house http://logospress.ru

Website RVJ.MDA http://logospress.ru/mdg

Website RVJ.PA http://logospress.ru/shg


Editor in chief of issue on farm animals
Vasilevich Fedor
Editor in chief of issue on small domestic and wild animals
Yagnikov Sergey
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