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Abstract (English):
The present article addresses issues related to feline leptospirosis. The causative agent of the infection is reviewed, alongside its morphology and up-to-date taxonomic classification including the concepts of serogroup and serovar. The fact that leptospirae can infect cats is confirmed. Reservoirs and sources of the infection are listed, as well as transmission routes represented as schemes courtesy of the world’s leading institutions specialising in research into human and animal leptospirosis. Taking into account current statutory regulations and scientific knowledge on leptospirosis, the present article offers an analysis of common myths and misconceptions regarding leptospirae, clinical manifestation of the infection in cats and pertinent issues related to the diagnosis of leptospirosis, including differential diagnosis. Cats’ resistance to leptospirosis on the level of the species is reviewed, and data are presented substantiating that treating leptospirosis in cats is unnecessary and might have detrimental impact on their welfare. Additionally, the absence of tools for the specific prophylaxis of feline leptospirosis worldwide is highlighted.

leptospirosis, cats, causative agent, sources, reservoirs and transmission routes, diagnosis, prevention
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