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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the clinical application of new technology — UV-corneal collagen cross-linking procedure, which we use in the complex therapy of severe corneal pathologies for dogs and cats: septic ulcers complicated by keratomalacia, keratectasias of various origins, endothelial-epithelial corneal dystrophies. The UV cross-linking method is often performed by us as a stage in the preparation of a donor graft during keratoplasty operations in dogs and cats. The effect of the cross-linking treatment procedure is achieved by photopolymerizing collagen fibers of corneal stroma under the combined action of photosensitizer (riboflavin solution) and ultraviolet radiation with a certain wavelength. After cross-linking, it is possible to achieve increase in the biomechanical and biochemical stability of the cornea, to observe dehydration and antimicrobial effects. The article contains information about the stages and results of several methods of UV-corneal collagen cross-linking, which we successfully use in clinical practice in dogs and cats: A-CXL method, PACK-CXL, M-CXL, method of cross-linking modification of donor heterologous graft as a stage in performing keratoplasty surgery to recipient. Based on our clinical results, we can conclude that corneal cross-linking in dogs and cats has a high therapeutic potential and is a promising method for treating severe keratopathies in cases of weak effectiveness of traditional drug therapy regimens.

corneal collagen cross-linking, corneal ulcers, corneal melting, keratectasis, endothelial-epithelial corneal dystrophy, riboflavin, corneal transplantation, dogs, cats
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