LLC AG Aspect (Scientific consultant)
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Scientific consultant)
Russian Federation
LLC «AG «Aspect» (Veterinarian)
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Leading veterinarian)
Russian Federation
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Chief science specialist)
Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
Currently, the interest of veterinarians and owners in the pharmacological correction of situational behavioral disorders in companion animals has increased significantly. To quickly correct deviant behavior in dogs and cats, veterinarians use some of the psychotropic drugs used in humane medicine, in particular, trazodone, an antidepressant antagonist / serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Based on the analysis of literature sources, data on the history of creation and pharmacological properties, assessment of the safety and efficacy of drugs based on trazodone hydrochloride in behavioral medicine of small pets are provided. The data on the prerequisites for the development, pharmaco-toxicological and clinical evaluation of a new drug for the modification of abnormal behavior in dogs and cats, Express Uspokoin® tablets based on trazodone succinate, which, with a high efficiency of the target action, made it possible to achieve the absence of side effects and significantly increase the tolerance of the dosage form by animals, are analyzed. compared with preparations based on trazodone hydrochloride.
trazodone succinate, dogs, cats, behavior correction, behavioral abnormalities, safety, efficacy, Express Uspokoin® tablets
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