FGBU «Veterinary Center»
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
The work is devoted to the analysis of the situation in one of the principal areas of applied epizootology. Taking into account the general provisions, the evolution of the causality criteria and the revision of the Koch triad are considered, modern etiological principles are given ‒ the criteria of Hill and Evans. The definition of factorial infections is given and their significance in the framework of applied problems of epizootology is discussed.
infectious diseases, Koch's triad, causality criteria, factorial infections
1. Belyakov, V.D. Vvedenie v epidemiologiyu infekcionnyh i neinfekcionnyh zabolevaniy cheloveka / V.D. Belyakov, T.A. Semenenko, M.H. Shraga. - M.: Medicina, 2001. - 264 s.
2. Vorob'ev, A.A. Idei Lui Pastera i ih razvitie v oblasti infektologii i immunologii / A.A. Vorob'ev // Vestnik RAMN. - 1996. - № 5. - S. 6-11.
3. Davydovskiy, I.V. Problemy prichinnosti v medicine (etiologiya) / I.V. Davydovskiy. - M.: Medgiz, 1962. - 176 s.
4. Dzhupina, S.I. Epizooticheskiy process i ego kontrol' pri faktornyh infekcionnyh boleznyah / S.I. Dzhupina. - M.: RUDN, 2002. - 212 s.
5. Koh, R. Bol'shaya medicinskaya enciklopediya / R. Koh. - M.: Sovetskaya enciklopediya, 1930, T. 14. - S. 190-193.
6. Lashkevich, V.A., Sovremennye dokazatel'stva infekcionnoy etiologii bolezney i postulaty Koha / V.A. Lashkevich, G.A. Koroleva, A.N. Lukashev // Zhurnal mikrobiologii. - 2002. - № 6. - S. 117-121.
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8. Syurin, V.N. O boleznyah telyat virusnoy etiologii / V.N. Syurin, V.A Alikaev, R.F. Sosov, G.A. Halenev // Veterinariya. - 1973. - № 10. - S. 57-61.
9. Filosofskiy enciklopedicheskiy slovar'. - M.: Sovetskaya enciklopediya, 1983. - 840 s.
10. Enciklopedicheskiy slovar' medicinskih terminov. V 3-h tomah. - M.: Sovetskaya enciklopediya, 1982-1984.
11. Dictionary of veterinary epidemiology. Ed. B. Toma et al. ISU Press, 1999. 302 p.
12. Evans, A. Causation and disease: the Henle-Koch postulates revised / A. Evans // Yale J. Biol. Med. - 1976. - No. 49. - pp. 175-195.
13. Hill, A. The environment and disease: association or causation? / A. Hill // Proc. R. Soc. Med. - 1965. - No. 58. - pp. 295-300.
14. Rivers, T. Viruses and Koch¢s postulates / T. Rivers // J. Bacteriol. - 1937. - No. 33. - pp. 1-12.
15. Thrusfield, M. Veterinary epidemiology / M. Thrusfield. - Blackwell Sci., 1995. - 610 p.
16. Vannier, P., Environment and gastroenteritis / P. Vannier, J. Tillon, F. Madec, J. Marisse // Ann. Rech. Vet. - 1983. - No. 14 (4). - pp. 450-455.