LLC «AG «Aspect» (Veterinarian)
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Leading veterinarian)
Russian Federation
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Chief science specialist)
Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
In an experiment on 30 dogs and 30 cats of different ages, the effect of the drug Supramil® tablets in twice and three times increased doses on the clinical condition, morphological and biochemical parameters of blood was studied. The drug was administered to dogs and puppies individually orally in two-fold (5.0 mg/ kg for R-praziquantel and 1.0 mg / kg for milbemycin oxime) and three-fold (7.5 mg / kg for R-praziquantel and 1.5 mg / kg for milbemycin oxime) therapeutic doses daily for 7 days with an interval of 24 hours. The drug was administered individually to cats and kittens orally in two-fold (5.0 mg/ kg for R-praziquantel and 4.0 mg/ kg for milbemycin oxime) and three-fold (7.5 mg/ kg for R-praziquantel and 6.0 mg/kg for milbemycin oxime) therapeutic doses daily for 7 days with an interval of 24 hours. During the entire study period, the clinical condition of the animals and their behavior were monitored. Before administration of the drug, on the 8th and 15th days after the last administration, blood samples were taken for cbc and biochemical blood test. The results of observations of the clinical condition and behavior of the target animals, data on the determination of clinical and hematological parameters indicate good tolerability of the drug in high doses.
Supramil® tablets, R-praziquantel, milbemycin oxime, tolerability, dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, clinical parameters, cbc blood test, biochemical blood test, safety
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