Veterinary clinic «Biocontrol» (Head Physician)
Russian veterinary society of anesthesiologists «ANO VITAR» (President)
Russian Federation
Russian veterinary society of anesthesiologists «ANO VITAR»
Russian veterinary society of anesthesiologists «ANO VITAR»
Veterinary clinic «Biocontrol» (Leading oncologist)
FSBSI «Federal research center for innovator and emerging biomedical and AND pharmaceutical technologies»
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
This article presents the results of an original study on the therapeutic equivalence of the domestic drug «Vesotil®» based on a combination of drugs tiletamine-zolazepam, an analog drug «Zoletil® 100». «Vesotil®» was used as the main anesthetic for 28 animals (dogs and cats) undergoing surgery. «Vesotil®» has proven to be a safe and reliable drug, not inferior to the original one.
tiletamine-zolazepam, Vesotil®, Zoletil® 100, means for anesthesia, dogs, cats
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