«Center of the veterinary aid» (Main veterinarian)
Russian Federation
LLC AG Aspect (Scientific consultant)
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Scientific consultant)
Russian Federation
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Chief science specialist)
LLC «BioFeron» (Chief science specialist)
Russian Federation
LLC «AG «Aspect» (Veterinarian)
LLC «RDE «Astrapharm» (Leading veterinarian)
LLC «BioFeron» (Leading veterinarian)
Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
The use of the drug Kurs Uspokoin tablets in a minimum initial daily dose of 7 mg/kg for the first three days, with a further increase in the minimum daily dose to 14 mg/kg, showed a positive effect in correcting the behavior of dogs older than 10 years with progressive signs of cognitive impairment.
trazodone succinate, Kurs Uspokoyin tablets, age-related cognitive impairment, older dogs, serotonin system, neurotransmitters
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