Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the research was to study the effectiveness of a new medicinal product for veterinary use «MASTIBLOCK gel» in the treatment of mastitis in cows during lactation. 5 groups (10 animals each) of lactating cattle with various forms of mastitis were formed: group 1 – subclinical mastitis; group 2 – acute serous mastitis; group 3 – chronic serous mastitis; group 4 – acute catarrhal mastitis; group 5 – chronic catarrhal mastitis. For the 1st, 2nd and 4th groups, therapy was carried out for 7 days, for the 3rd and 5th – for 14 days. The drug was used externally for all animals, by applying a uniform layer of 50 g 2 times a day to the surface of the udder. At the beginning and end of treatment, blood was taken in each group for general blood test; milk was taken to assess bacterial contamination and assess the number of somatic cells. The clinical assessment of the condition of the animals was carried out daily. All the animals were kept in the same conditions. The diet of cows of all groups corresponded to the norms for this type and technological use of animals. The presence of pathology and the effectiveness of the drug were evaluated based on the results of a clinical examination of animals, the results of bacteriological analysis, a general blood test and a milk test for the number of somatic cells. As a result of the work carried out, based on the results of the study, it was found that the drug showed high therapeutic efficacy in various forms of mastitis caused by opportunistic microflora in lactating cows, and also helps to restore the qualitative characteristics of milk and reduce somatic cells in them.

mastitis, MASTIBLOCK gel, cattle, efficiency, lactation
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