Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This lecture is dedicated to the messianic activity of Louis Pasteur, one of the most outstanding figures in humane and veterinary medicine, the founder of microbiology and immunology, who made the most significant fundamental contribution to the scientific solution of microbiological problems of global significance. Together with his colleagues and followers, he was the first to establish the role of microbes in life on Earth, including in pathology, the bacterial etiology of infectious diseases and the universal nature of anti-infective immunity, discovered the phenomenon of artificially attenuation the pathogenic properties of infectious agents and created means and methods of protection against the most malignant diseases of animals and humans - vaccines against anthrax and rabies, immediately, even during his lifetime, which found wide application in veterinary and medical practice around the world with outstanding socio-economic efficiency.

Louis Pasteur, microbiology, attenuation of pathogens, anthrax, rabies, vaccines
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6. Citaty izvestnyh lichnostey. Rezhim dostupa: https://ru.citaty.net/avtory/lui-paster/

7. Shlegel' G.G. Istoriya mikrobiologii / G.G. Shlegel'. ‒ M.: URSS, 2002. ‒ 202 s.

8. Biographies.Rezhim dostupa: https://www.britannica.com/biography/

9. Louis_Pasteur. Rezhim dostupa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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