Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Гемангиосаркома ‒ высокоагрессивное злокачественное новообразование, развивающееся из эндотелиальных клеток кровеносных сосудов. Опухоль обладает агрессивным характером роста и ранним метастазированием, приводящим к быстрой гибели пациентов. Разнообразие клинических проявлений и регионов поражения делает эту опухоль наиболее интересной для клиницистов, при этом прогноз напрямую зависит от локализации поражения и стадии заболевания. В этом обзоре описаны как наиболее распространенные, так и редкие клинические формы гемангиосаркомы и основные способы лечения.

Ключевые слова:
гемангиосаркома, собака, химиотерапия
Список литературы

1. Nóbrega, D.F. Canine Cutaneous Haemangiosarcoma: Biomarkers and Survival / D.F. Nóbrega, V.F. Sehaber, R. Madureira, A.P.F.R.L. Bracarense // J Comp Pathol. ‒ 2019 Jan. ‒No. 166. ‒pp. 87-96.

2. Clifford, C.A. Plasma vascular endothelial growth factor concentrations in healthy dogs and dogs with hemangiosarcoma / C.A. Clifford, D. Hughes // J Vet Intern Med. ‒ 2001 Mar-Apr. ‒ No. 15(2). ‒ pp. 131.

3. Сергеева, Е.С. Спленэктомия при гемангиосаркоме у собак / Е.С. Сергеева, М.Н. Якунина, Ю.А. Ватников // Ветеринария и кормление. – 2023. ‒ №1 – С.54-55.

4. De Nardi, A.B. Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Canine Hemangiosarcoma: A Review Based on a Consensus Organized by the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology, ABROVET / A.B. De Nardi, C. de Oliveira Massoco Salles Gomes, C.E. Fonseca-Alves, F.N. de Paiva, L.C.M. Linhares, G.J.U. Carra, R. dos Santos Horta, F.A.R. Sueiro, P.C. Jark, A.T. Nishiya, C.H. de Carvalho Vasconcellos // Cancers (Basel). ‒ 2023 Apr. ‒ No. 15(7). ‒ pp. 2025.

5. Sabattini, S. An immunohistochemical analysis of canine haemangioma and haemangiosarcoma / S. Sabattini // J Comp Pathol. ‒ 2009 Feb-Apr. ‒ No.140(2-3). ‒ pp.158-168.

6. Szivek, A. Clinical outcome in 94 cases of dermal haemangiosarcoma in dogs treated with surgical excision: 1993–2007 / A. Szivek, R.E. Burns, B. Gericota, V.K. Affolter, M.S. Kent, C.O. Rodriguez, K.A. Skorupski // Vet. Comp. Oncol. ‒ 2012. ‒ No.10. ‒ pp.65-73.

7. Shiu, K.B. Predictors of outcome in dogs with subcutaneous or intramuscular hemangiosarcoma / K.B. Shiu, A.B. Flory, C.L. Anderson, J. Wypij, C. Saba, H. Wilson, I. Kurzman, R. Chun // J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. ‒ 2011. ‒ No.238. ‒ pp.472-479.

8. Batschinski K., Visceral hemangiosarcoma treated with surgery alone or surgery and doxorubicin: 37 cases (2005–2014) / K. Batschinski, A. Nobre, E. Vargas-Mendez, M.V. Tedardi, J. Cirillo, G. Cestari, R. Ubukata, M.L.Z. Dagli // Can Vet J. ‒ 2018 Sep. ‒ No. 59(9), ‒ pp. 967-972.

9. Kessler, M. Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen: clinical aspects in 52 dogs / M. Kessler, Y. Maurus, R. Köstlin // Tierarztl Prax Ausg Kleintiere Heimtiere. ‒ 1997 Nov. ‒ No. 25(6). ‒ pp.651.

10. Wood, C.A. Prognosis for dogs with stage I or II splenic hemangiosarcoma treated by splenectomy alone: 32 cases (1991-1993) / C.A. Wood, A.S. Moore, J.M. Gliatto, L.A. Ablin, R.J. Berg // J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. ‒ 1998Sep-Oct. ‒ No.34(5). ‒ pp.417-421.

11. Johnson, K.A., Splenomegaly in dogs; predictors of neoplasia and survival after splenectomy / K.A. Johnson, B.E. Powers, S.J. Withrow // J Vet Intern Med. ‒ 1989. ‒ No. 3. ‒ pp. 160-166.

12. Wendelburg K.M., Survival time of dogs with splenic hemangiosarcoma treated by splenectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy: 208 cases (2001‒2012) / K.M. Wendelburg, L.L.P. Kri // J Am Vet Med Assoc. ‒ 2015 Aug. ‒ Vol. 15. ‒ No.247(4). ‒ pp.393-403.

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19. Hammer, A.S. Efficacy and toxicity of VAC chemotherapy (vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide) in dogs with hemangiosarcoma / A.S. Hammer, C.G. Couto, J. Filppi, D. Getzy, K. Shank // J Vet Intern Med. ‒ 1991May-Jun. ‒ No. 5(3). ‒ pp. 160-166.

20. Alvarez, F.J. VAC protocol for treatment of dogs with stage III hemangiosarcoma / F.J. Alvarez, K. Hosoya // J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. ‒ 2013Nov-Dec. ‒ No.49(6). ‒ pp.370-377.

21. Сергеева, Е.С. Эффективность доксорубицина в адъювантном лечении гемангиосаркомы у собак / Е.С. Сергеева, М.Н. Якунина, А.Л. Кузнецова // Подано в печать в 2024 г.

22. Stanley, E.K., Epirubicin in the adjuvant treatment of splenic hemangiosarcoma in dogs: 59 cases (1997‒2004) / E.K. Stanley, J.M. Liptak, T.T. Gall, G.J. Monteith, J.P. Woods // J Am Vet Med Assoc. ‒ 2007 Nov. ‒ Vol. 15. ‒ No.231(10). ‒ pp.1550-1557.

23. Faulhaber, E.A. Adjuvant carboplatin for treatment of splenic hemangiosarcoma in dogs: Retrospective evaluation of 18 cases (2011‒2016) and comparison with doxorubicin-based chemotherapy / E.A. Faulhaber, E. Janik, D.H. Thamm // J Vet Intern Med. ‒ 2021 Jul. ‒ No. 35(4). ‒ pp. 1929-1934.

24. Finotello, R. Comparison of doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide with doxorubicin-dacarbazine for the adjuvant treatment of canine hemangiosarcoma / R. Finotello, D. Stefanello, E. Zini // Vet Comp Oncol. ‒ 2017 Mar. ‒ No.15(1). ‒ pp.25-35.

25. Clifford, C.A. Treatment of canine hemangiosarcoma: 2000 and beyond / C.A. Clifford, A.J. Mackin, C.J. Henr // J Vet Intern Med. 2000 Sep-Oct, 14(5), 479-485.

26. Heather, L.G., Maintenance therapy with toceranib following doxorubicin-based chemotherapy for canine splenic hemangiosarcoma / L.G. Heather, Ch.A. London // Vet Res. ‒ 2015 Jun. ‒ Vol. 11. ‒ No. 11. ‒ pp. 131.

27. Bray, J.P. Does thalidomide prolong survival in dogs with splenic haemangiosarcoma? / J.P. Bray, G. Orbell, N. Cave, J.S. Munday // J Small Anim Pract. ‒ 2018 Feb. ‒ No.59(2). ‒ pp.85-91.

28. Bray, J.P. Thalidomide Reduces Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Immunostaining in Canine Splenic Hemangiosarcoma / J.P. Bray, J.S. Munday // Vet Sci.‒2020 May. ‒ Vol. 20. ‒ No. 7(2). ‒ pp. 67.

29. Faroni, E. Timely adjuvant chemotherapy improves outcome in dogs with non-metastatic splenic hemangiosarcoma undergoing splenectomy / E. Faroni, S. Sabattini, D. Guerra, Ch. Iannuzzi, C. Chalfon, C. Agnoli, D. Stefanello, G. Polton, S. Ramos, M. Aralla, R. Ciaccini, A. Foglia, S. Okonji, L. Marconata // Vet Comp Oncol. ‒ 2023 Mar. ‒ No.21(1). ‒ pp.123-130.

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31. Tinsley, A. Canine Hemangiosarcoma: A Certainly Less Than Ideal / A. Tinsley// Very Ugly Cancer. Preprints. ‒ 2020. ‒ No. 1. ‒ pp. 1-14.

32. Soares, N.P. Hemangiomas e Hemangiossarcomas em cães: Estudo retrospectivo de 192 casos (2002–2014) / N.P. Soares, A.A. Medeiros, M.P.J. Szabó, E.C. Guimarães, L.G. Fernandes, T.R. dos Santos // Ciênc. Anim. Bras. ‒ 2017. ‒ No. 18. ‒ pp. 1-10.

33. Andrade, R.L., Tumores de cães e gatos diagnosticados no semiárido da Paraíba. Pesq. / R.L. Andrade, D.M. Oliveira, A.F.M. Dantas, A.P.de Souza, P.I.N. da Nóbrega, F. Riet-Correa // Pesq. Vet. Bras. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 32. ‒ pp. 1037-1040.

34. Alves, D.S. A Critical Review of the risk factors associated with Canine Squamous Cell Carcinoma development / D.S. Alves, M.B. Calvaca, C.E. Fonseca-Alves // Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ‒ 2022. ‒ No. 15. ‒ pp. 1-10.

35. Szivek, A. Clinical outcome in 94 cases of dermal haemangiosarcoma in dogs treated with surgical excision: 1993–2007 / A. Szivek, R.E. Burns, B. Gericota, V.K. Affolter, M.S. Kent, C.O.Jr. Rodriguez, K.A. Skorupski // Vet. Comp. Oncol. ‒ 2012. ‒ No. 10. ‒ pp. 65-73.

36. Hargis, A.M. A retrospective clinicopathologic study of 212 dogs with cutaneous hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas / A.M. Hargis, P.J. Ihrke, W.L. Spangler, A.A. Stannard // Vet Pathol. ‒ 1992 Jul. ‒ No.29(4). ‒ pp.316-328.

37. Choi E.W., Deep dermal and subcutaneous canine hemangiosarcoma in the perianal area: diagnosis of perianal mass in a dog / E.W. Choi // BMC Vet Res. ‒ 2019 Apr. ‒Vol. 15. ‒ No. 15(1). ‒pp. 115.

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39. Hillers, K.R. Effects of palliative radiation therapy on non-splenic hemangiosarcoma in dogs / Hillers K.R., Lana S.E., Fuller C.R., LaRue S.M. // J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. ‒ 2007. ‒ No. 43. ‒pp. 187-192.

40. Bulakowski, E.J. Evaluation of outcome associated with subcutaneous and intramuscular hemangiosarcoma treated with adjuvant doxorubicin in dogs: 21 cases (2001–2006) / E.J. Bulakowski, J.C. Philibert, S. Siegel, C.A. Clifford, R. Risbon, K. Zivin, K.L. Cronin// J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. ‒ 2008. ‒ No.233. ‒ pp.122-128.

41. Rocha, M.S.T. Photodynamic therapy for cutaneous hemangiosarcoma in dogs / M.S.T. Rocha, C.M. Lucci, J.A.M. Dos Santos, J.P.F. Longo // Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. ‒ 2019 Sep. ‒ No. 27. ‒ pp. 39-43.

42. Thompson, D.J. Haemangiosarcoma of the interventricular septum in a dog / D.J. Thompson, N.J. Cave, A.B. Scrimgeour, K.G. Thompson // N Z Vet J. ‒ 2011 Nov. ‒ No. 59(6). ‒ pp. 332-336.

43. Yamamoto S., Epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of primary cardiac hemangiosarcoma in dogs: a review of 51 cases / S. Yamamoto, K. Hoshi, A. Hirakawa, S. Chimura, M. Kobayashi, N. Machida) // J Sci. ‒ 2013 Nov. ‒ No. 75(11). ‒ pp. 1433-1441.

44. Chun, R. Comparison of plasma cardiac troponin I concentrations among dogs with cardiac hemangiosarcoma, noncardiac hemangiosarcoma, other neoplasms, and pericardial effusion of nonhemangiosarcoma origin / R. Chun, H.B. Kellihan, R.A. Henik, R.L. Stepien // J Am Vet Med Assoc. ‒ 2010 Oct. ‒ Vol. 1. ‒ No.237(7). ‒ pp.806-811.

45. Fernandes, S.C. Hemangiossarcomas / S.C. Fernandes, A.B. De Nardi, C.R. Daleck // In Oncologia de Cães e Gatos, 2nd ed.; Roca: Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 2016. ‒ pp. 776–796.

46. Yamamoto, S. Epidemiological, clinical and pathological features of primary cardiac hemangiosarcoma in dogs: A review of 51 cases / S. Yamamoto, K. Hoshi, A. Hirakawa, S. Chimura, M. Kbayashi, N Machida. // J. Vet. Med. Sci. ‒ 2013. ‒ No. 75. ‒ pp. 1433-1441.

47. Ployart, S. Thoracoscopic resection of right auricular masses in dogs: 9 cases (2003‒2011) / S. Ployart, S. Libermann, I. Doran, E. Bomassi, E. Monnet // J Am Vet Med Assoc. ‒ 2013 Jan. ‒Vol. 15. ‒ No.242(2). ‒ pp.237-241.

48. Ghaffari, S. A retrospective evaluation of doxorubicin-based chemotherapy for dogs with right atrial masses and pericardial effusion / S. Ghaffari, D.C. Pelio, A.J. Lange, J.W. Arndt, // J Small Anim Pract. ‒ 2014 May. ‒ No.55(5). ‒ pp.254-257.

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53. Giuffrida, M.A. Use of routine histopathology and factor VIII-related antigen/von Willebrand factor immunohistochemistry to differentiate primary hemangiosarcoma of bone from telangiectatic osteosarcoma in 54 dogs / M.A. Giuffrida, N.J. Bacon, D.A. Kamstock // Vet Comp Oncol. ‒ 2017 Dec. ‒No.15(4). ‒ pp.1232-1239.

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55. Pirie, C.G. Canine conjunctival hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma: a retrospective evaluation of 108 cases (1989‒2004) / C.G. Pirie, A.M. Knollinger, C.B. Thomas, R.R. Dubielzig // Vet Ophthalmol. ‒ 2006 Jul-Aug. ‒ No.9(4). ‒ pp.215-226.

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58. Burton, J.H. Clinical outcome in 20 cases of lingual hemangiosarcoma in dogs: 1996‒2011 / J.H. Burton, B.E. Powers, B.J. Biller // Vet Comp Oncol. ‒ 2014 Sep. ‒ No.12(3). ‒ pp.198-204.

59. Fry, J.K. Pollakiuria and stranguria in a Labrador retriever with penile HSA / J.K. Fry // J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. ‒ 2014Mar-Apr. ‒ No. 50(2). ‒ pp. 141-147.

60. Burchell, R.K. Haemangiosarcoma of the os penis in a dog: The most common neoplasm of the canine penis / R.K. Burchell // J S Afr Vet Assoc. ‒ 2014 Aug 21. ‒ No. 85(1). ‒ e1-e4

61. Bolfer, L. Penile amputation and scrotal urethrostomy followed by chemotherapy in a dog with penile hemangiosarcoma / L. Bolfer // J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. ‒ 2015Jan-Feb. ‒ No. 51(1). ‒ pp. 25-30.

62. Yoon, H-Y. Primary cranial mediastinal hemangiosarcoma in a young dog / H-Y. Yoon // Ir Vet J. ‒ 2014 Jul. ‒ Vol. 27. ‒ No. 67(1). ‒ pp. 15.

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