Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents the results of a toxicological evaluation of a new drug for veterinary use, Supramil® emulsion based on R-praziquantel and milbemycin oxime. The drug is intended for the treatment of intestinal nematodes and cestodes, mixed infestations in cats and dogs, as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis. A single intragastric administration of the drug in doses of a toxic level for rats and mice did not cause toxicosis or death in laboratory animals, on the basis of which the average lethal dose (LD50) for the drug Supramil® emulsion could not be determined. As a result of the assessment of subchronic oral toxicity, it was established that the tested doses of the drug when administered daily to white outbred rats for 14 days are ineffective. An assessment of the ability of the drug, when introduced into the body, to cause a state of hypersensitivity did not reveal an allergenic effect. Thus, the results of this study allow us to conclude that the Supramil® emulsion does not have toxic or allergenic properties and is well tolerated by laboratory animals.

Supramil® emulsion, LD50, acute toxicity, subacute toxicity, allergenic properties, rats, rabbits, blood, hematology, biochemistry
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