Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of the new drug Vetkoksib® based on the active substance robenacoxib in the postoperative period in dogs, and also to compare the severity of the analgesic effect in the robenacoxib and meloxicam groups Materials and methods: 50 dogs of different genders and breeds diagnosed with a rupture of the PC to be treated surgically were included in the study; 2 groups (n = 25 each) were formed from patients. The age of the patients ranged from 3 to 8 years, body weight from 10 to 50 kg. The division into gender and breed of patients was not carried out. Surgical intervention was carried out as planned within up to 7 days from the moment of the appearance of clinical signs and diagnosis of the existing pathology. The correction method is TPLO. In group 1 dogs in the postoperative period, a nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drug, robenacoxib (Vetcoxib), was introduced into the multimodal analgesia regimen at the rate of 1-2 mg / kg of body weight subcutaneously or orally, with an assessment of the analgesic effect. For dogs of group 2, a multimodal analgesia protocol was used with the use of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug - meloxicam at the rate of 0.1-0.2 mg/kg of body weight subcutaneously or orally. To assess pain in the preoperative period, a scale proposed by the University of Colorado and adapted for veterinary activities was used, according to the WSAVA pain management guidelines. We also used an assessment method based on numerical hardware parameters (the main components of monitoring are ECG, BDD, heart rate, noninvasive blood pressure measurement, pulse oximetry, thermometry), as well as the results of visual monitoring. The clinical efficacy of the drugs was evaluated based on the results of the CMPS pain assessment and its short form CMPS-SF, which includes six behavioral categories with appropriate descriptive expressions (paragraphs): vocalization, attention to the wound, mobility, reaction to touch, behavior and posture /activity, general condition - the presence of appetite, the presence of adverse clinical manifestations (vomiting / diarrhea). Results: No serious side effects (vomiting) were detected during the study. The use of the drug Vetcoxib® based on robenacoxib did not lead to changes in body weight, clinical pathologies associated with gastrointestinal diseases. The robenacosib group (Vetcoxib®) demonstrated high efficacy in restoring motor function, along with a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a higher rate of pain relief and higher effectiveness in reducing pain compared to the meloxicam group. The results of the survey of owners also confirm that patients treated with robenacoxib recovered motor function faster, which is probably due to a less pronounced intensity of both epicritical and protopathic pain.

dogs, robenacoxib, meloxicam, pain scale, intraoperative anesthesia, Vetcoxib®
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